Places to visit- Happisburgh, Norfolk

Happisburgh is a very well-known location by local photographers, it is my most visited location on the whole of the East Anglia coast as it is my closest beach, I often nip up here with the dog for a nice walk

The popularity of this location with photographers comes from things such as:

  • The decay and shape of the wooden structures, and the rocks in the water.

  • It's a safe bet for grabbing a few images as it has so much to offer and you can easily recognise the go-to shots.

  • If you are up on the cliff tops at the lighthouse or down on the beach at the broken-up Sea defences where the old lifeboat ramp used to be there is plenty to see.

  • It's great for photographing the Milky Way.

  • You get some great storm cloud formations.

It features in my top must-visit locations due to it offering so much, you can visit on a grey overcast day at lunchtime or on a golden sunrise or set. Just don't take your chances with the tide because you will get cut off if you go down the ramp and to your left.

When you have parked the car and are set to go, the lighthouse can be shot from immediately behind the play park, or as you look at the lighthouse from the park walk to your left along the cliff tops for about 5 mins till you get to the next WW2 Pillbox and you can get some nice compositions from there too.

To get down to the broken sea defences it is about a 15 min walk. You go across the carpark, through the kissing gate, down the ramp and to your left, staying away from the bottom of the cliffs to avoid fallen debris just keep walking along and you can't miss the wooden structures. 

The 2 very large concrete blocks that are randomly placed on the beach used to the stairs to get down onto the beach, but due to the alarming erosion levels, it had to be removed. The other large lumps of concrete you will see are parts of the old lifeboat ramp that has been relocated further along the coast to Cart gap.

Useful information.

  • You need to have change for parking, around £5 covers you for the day.

  • The carpark is located here if you click <-

  • Check the tides, it needs to have been at least 2.5 hrs since high tide if you want to get all the way down to the broken sea defences.

  • There is a great kids’ park, so your kids can play while you photograph the lighthouse.

  • The carpark gets very busy at peak seasons.

  • If staying for sunset, park outside the barriers as they lock the gate.

  • There are public toilets in the carpark.

  • When on the beach, keep a close eye on the floor for fossils, it's one of Norfolk's great hunting spots for them.


Black and White colour conversion


Canaletto Tower climb. London